12th Grade Assistant Principal Mrs. Schmidt

WELCOME class of 2025! I am looking forward to working with all of you over the next two years.  

Your Junior year is very busy and exciting. With that said, it is important to stay focused and diligent in your studies while utilizing supports as needed.  This will be essential to your success as a Junior.

Your Junior year has many exciting opportunities and events such as Homecoming, athletic events, Junior Prom, and much more.  My piece of advice is, "Get Involved!" There are many clubs, sports, and activities to be part of at Spencerport High School. Being involved will help you meet new people with similar interests and create positive memories in high school. 

Please feel free to see me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns during your school year.

You can find me in the 200 hall office  250. If you need to schedule an appointment with me, you can stop by and speak with Mrs. Van Vleck or send me an email or Schoology message.  

Ingel Schmidt
Mrs. Ingel Schmidt

Assistant Principal  Class 2025

Mrs. Pat Van Vleck
Administrative Assistant:
