Work permits are available through the Counseling Office and are for general employment of youth between the ages of 14 and 17. If you are applying for any of the following work permits, please ask the Counseling secretary what forms you need to complete: newspaper carrier, farm worker, and limited.
- Please fill in pen Part I of the Application for Employment Certificate and in Part II, only Date of Birth. Be sure to include a parent's signature. PLEASE NOTE: a social security number is no longer needed to apply for a work permit.
- For youth not attending Spencerport Schools, please provide proof of age by bringing with you one of the following forms of identification: birth certificate, state issued photo, driver's license/permit, or passport.
- Complete top portion of the Physical Fitness Certificate and have Part A, under Instructions to Healthcare Provider, signed by your personal physician. If the Spencerport High School Nurses' Office has a copy of your physical on file, they may sign on behalf of the physician.
- Bring both completed forms to the Counseling Office and a work permit will be prepared for you. When it is ready, the permit must be signed and picked up by the student. A duplicate permit can be issued for each application.
Work permits are good for the following age ranges:
Ages 14 and 15, Blue Permit
Ages 16 and 17, Green Permit
If you have a Blue Permit, you must reapply to receive a Green Permit.
If you have any additional questions, please call the Counseling Office at 349-5240.
Please see Mrs. Bash for application forms located in the Counseling Office or click the link below.
Work permit application form